Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A little behind schedule, but probably better for it

Why hello there. I'm writing to you from beautiful (?) Ozona, TX where we crashed after 12 hours of driving on very little sleep. Then we slept through our 5 am alarm after tossing and turning for most of the night to that point and it's now 9 am (TX time, which I suppose means we aren't really that late). Despite missing our morning in Austin, I'm happy to have a well-rested driver. Joe's now outside doing all the hard work (packing the car and doing mechanical stuff) while I drink a cup of coffee and write a blog post. Life is tough.

Okay, so the aim was a little off,
but you get the idea.
Yesterday morning we left Tucson at 6 am and meandered our way through New Mexico and into Texas, stopping off for food, gas and the occasional photo op. I have to say, there is a whole lot of nothing in west Texas. After hours of flat, dry landscape with few signs of life, the scenery changed into rolling hills with red and green shrubs that was quite pretty. We seem to be in the middle of this, so I expect some more this morning. We have 2-3 more hours until we hit Austin, so we should be there just in time for our extended lunch. By 'extended' I mean that we intend to start eating street food as soon as we get there and continue until dinner time. This does not bode well for the amount of BBQ I would like to eat, but I assure you that I will put forth a valiant effort and make Joe eat everything I cannot.

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